CYBR can Offer the most Effective and Long Lasting Solution to Crypocurrency hacking and other related Cyber crime

The growing rate of cryptocurrency exchange hacking is very alarming and until this issue is well addressed things will get worse. Despite huge amount of money spent on achieving sustainable tight security by many large cryptocurrency exchange platform Such as Binance, yet they still suffers API/phishing attack. Such was noticed early this year when hacker gain partial access and increase the price order of a particular token which is listed on the platform. CYBR is presenting a Security ecosystem through which threats are not only identified but are removed and futures attacked are prevented. This sound interesting due to the fact that the security giant offers solution through which future threat is prevented. Well This is well understandable because CYBR is making use of Blindspot, A robust software which is powered by fuzzy logic that make use of machine language coupled with artificial intelligence to identify and prevent threat which might be dangerous to the blockchain. Deployment of blindspot in stopping attack is a spontaneous process due to the array of model being used in developing the software. The blindspot will be available for platforms which include; Windows, OSX, Linux, IOS and android and this can also be customized for already existing platforms and other framework.

The Second architecture of CYBR is the web portal which serves as User interface for the community in providing solution within the ecosystem. The web portal provides solution that makes sure that transactions which are being executed by the blockchain smart contracts are being protected. The web portal comprises of sub-sections which include but not limited to  Support page that consist of FAQ, Knowledge base and contact us button, exchange details that house the  CYBR wallet detail and Send tokens. The download section consists of links to downloading blindspot for various platforms ranging from Windows to Android. The CYBR wallet provide Token Name Service (TNS) that resolve any issue related to public addresses and the services also shorten those public address to a common name. Other features of the wallet consist of tools for facial recognition and finger print determination. This means transactions executed by the smart contract can take place without having to input the private key or including Metamask. CYBR is not new in providing security. In fact CYBR currently in partnership with over 20 companies located around the world and they have more than 15 customers that are both government and private firm. More information about CYBR can be gotten from the website at or you can download the website directly from   this link: in case you want to make enquiries or interested in investing in CYBR token, you can visit some of the social pages provide in the link below.

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CYBR can Offer the most Effective and Long Lasting Solution to Crypocurrency hacking and other related Cyber crime CYBR can Offer the most Effective and Long Lasting Solution to Crypocurrency hacking and other related Cyber crime Reviewed by Planet on 05:54 Rating: 5

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