Important Reasons why Cryptocurrency Traders should look forward to Probit Exchange Platform

The Advent of cryptocurrencies have led to increasing trading platform through which cryptos are being traded from one form to the others. These crypto trading platforms have some difference which differentiates one from other. Generally crypto trading platform are classified into two groups which include the decentralized trading platform and the centralized trading platform. The idea behind decentralized trading platform (Commonly refers to as DEX) is to create an open trading ecosystem where there are no restriction to trading. It means anybody can list crypto on DEX in as much as the smart contract of such token is known. However one of the drawbacks of such platform is in ability to get technical support quickly when one need it and also users might to be able to retrieve his/her in case there is technical error which might result in token not delivered to an address when it is being initiated. Centralized exchange platform is another class of trading platform. Almost 95% of trading platform available today on the internet belong to this group and in such platform, the activities that is being held on the platform are control by central authority (i.e team that one the platform) that lay down some rules and legal agreement in which the traders must comply with in order to be eligible for trading on the platform. One of these rules is the KYC verification which might be compulsory on may not. While many exchange platforms are centralized crypto trader still face a lot of challenges in using such platform and this include; high transaction fee, high minimum withdrawal, poor website performance, inactive customer support, High level of security threat etc. 

Probit is digital exchange platform intended to break barrier and solve many problem which have been identified to be facing traders. One interesting fact about probit is the level of commitment in which the entire team have already displayed by providing already functioning trading platform. Probit is registered in Seychelles (Company Registration Number: 207189) and platform has shown that it has what it takes to move cryptocurrency   trading to the next level. The platform is putting much interest in improving areas which Include Security, Site performance, more trading options, abundant coin with more trading pair. At launch, the platform will have 24/7 trading support and it will be multilingual supported. Probit also plan to introduce a marketplace for Initial coin offering in which new project startup can partner with probit to have their initial coin offering on the platform. The platform will be available on both web and also for mobile devices (Android, windows and Apple). The application will be available on respective app store for download. Probit intend to have up to 5 trading pair in which the base currencies will be Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, EOS, and Probit token. The probit platform will have at least 150 cryptocurrencies at the initial stage. More currencies will be added as time goes by. All digital assets on the platform will be store in cold wallet in order to make sure they are safe from security threat and more security layer such as FIDO U2F authenticator will be supported by the probit platform. More informations about probit can be found on the website at or the whitepaper: you can also follow the team on the social pages Twitter: Facebook:  Medium:
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Important Reasons why Cryptocurrency Traders should look forward to Probit Exchange Platform Important Reasons why Cryptocurrency Traders should look forward to Probit Exchange Platform Reviewed by Planet on 01:15 Rating: 5

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